Anyone up for a bonfire?
Let's burn some rules, kick it old-school like in the 60s! No, I’m not ready to get rid of the tools in
my midlife dating toolbox, but I am embracing the need to get rid of "the
If you’ve been in the midlife dating game for very long and
are a seeker of information like me, then you have read articles, maybe books
too and searched online forums to find out what the hell we are all supposed to
be doing. Being that understanding the
opposite sex is an age-old problem, even once you got past the whole “How do I
get back out there?” question, you then have the “What did he really mean when
he did or said X, Y and Z?” Or for you
male readers, “What is it she really wants from me?”
In my online digging, I’ve unfortunately found that most
advice is something that, at my inner core, goes totally against my gut. I’m an open book, I mean, I’m the gal who
will tell the lady checking me out at the register at Target anything about
myself if its topical. I
am who I am, most of the time, or at least that is always my goal. But since dating after divorce, I’ve found I occasionally
have some insecurities that link me back to my days in college where I wonder
incessantly what is really going on with my ‘crush’. Of course, my goals were different then, but
that may or may not matter in the grand scheme of things. Lets be honest, no matter your age there’s nothing like
the excitement of someone new to make you realize you can easily be turned into a horny and
emotional teenager again.
Some of the icky things you will find if you go hunting are
websites purely devoted to teaching men how to be pick-up artists and books
telling women they will never get and keep a man if they aren’t a bitch to him, supposedly turning men into a mold-able pile of goo to do whatever you desire. On top of that, there’s a whole system of who
is the 1+ and the -1, which is a precarious balance of trying to make sure you
are always the “One up” so you have the “one down” exactly where you want
them. Sweet Brown said it best, “Ain’t
nobody got time for that!”
I even was part of an online dating forum for mid-lifers that
I stumbled upon when my short-but-too-serious-too-fast quasi-relationship
started to end and I needed some male perspective. Yes, I definitely found the advice there helpful as I began to really get some sea legs in the
dating pond, but sometimes the advice was really bad. Over time, though, I began to realize that the
members there were a very specific and narrow-minded microcosm and being an open-minded
gal, I needed a much broader
perspective. There was a lot of talk about the above tactics, as well as, narrow thinking of who you had to be to attract
the type of person you should be with.
The other night I was at a meetup group event. The men and women ranged from late 20s to
early 50s, most single, but a few married people too. There was a subset of women huddling together
throughout the night talking about their latest guy drama. Ever the midlife-dating sociology student,
the whole exchange intrigued me greatly.
If I had to wrap it all up, there were a few women who had given the man in question their “goodies” and then it all changed. It didn’t matter how long they dated before
the goodies were given, the results seemed to be the same …they weren’t
texting, they weren’t calling so the women were doing what we do…over-analyzing
every freaking possibility known to man.
When the men were brought into the conversation for advice, they said “sex
is just sex to men” but there is something about the dynamics changing once
that tension is relieved, the hunter has had his kill, (no matter how many more
times he wants it again) that usher in a whole new set of complex rules!
But what would happen if we threw all of those rules out? What if we texted when we wanted to text (so
long you aren’t texting at the rate of him needing to take out a restraining
order)…or what if we said what we really felt or did what we really
wanted? Not in a selfish way, because
when someone asked me for a definition about a month ago of both great love and
amazing sex, I said “both are about constantly submitting to the other
persons wants and needs. If you are both
doing this then you are both getting your own needs met as well.”
I guess we need to ask ourselves “Why date? What is our goal?’ I would respond to that question different
ways at different times over the past year and a half, as I’ve had different
needs along the way. However, my first
answer is usually “I anticipate the joy of loving someone!” And, I want to be loved too. I’m pretty simple at the base as I care
nothing about being wined and dined or traveling the world…I just want someone
to sit with me on a quiet morning drinking coffee, to take a long walk with, share
deep talks with, having rocking sex with, but mostly BE KNOWN.
So why do we buy into all the trappings, ie rules of modern dating?
*You can’t say what you really feel until a certain
amount of time has passed.
*You can’t be
the first to text.
*You can’t ask a man
*You can’t let them meet your kids until one
thing or the other happens.
*You can’t
let them think you like them more than they like you.
On and on and on the list goes, and that’s
before you get to all of the rules surrounding proclamation of the “L word!”
Read this quote from the book, "If the Buddha Dated":
“Our longing is also our desire to be known completely. Imagine having your beloved look tenderly
into your eyes, knowing all your secrets, having seen you be crabby and sweet,
selfish and generous, and still truly loving you. Imagine being able to do the same. That is the potential of a conscious
Wow! Who doesn’t want
So friends, anyone want to join me in a bonfire? I’m making a conscious effort to throw all of
“the rules”…It's a good thing my trash runs in a few hours because I'm pretty sure bonfires at my apartment building are against "the rules"!
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